Product Reviews

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IM Newbie Video Course Review

I’m back again with a review of Kevin Fahey’s IM Newbie Video Course for those starting out in Internet Marketing or those not yet making $1000/month online. As you may have gathered from previous posts regarding Kevin’s IM Checklists, I am an admirer of Kevin’s products.  I buy each of the checklists before I review […]

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Video Marketing Checklist

I know, I know – yet another checklist. I can’t help it – I love these things. This time the subject is Video Marketing. Like or not, video is used in almost all marketing today and if you are not using it, you will be soon if you want to succeed. What You Need to […]

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Another Great Checklist – Affiliate Marketing

YES!  Another in the series of great checklists! This one is created for Affiliate Marketing and covers every task you should do in your affiliate marketing endeavours.  If you have been doing this for a while you may well think “I know all this – I don’t need a checklist”. I beg to differ. For […]

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Link Master Review

If you do any affiliate marketing, you will want to use a link cloaker.  If you are using WordPress, there are many plugins available that can do that for you.  This Link Master Review will show you the neat features added that you don’t usually find in a link cloaker. Link Master was written by […]

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