Product Reviews

Self-Publishing Checklists and Bonuses

For the last several months, I have talked about using checklists and how they can really help you in your business. Even when I am doing something I know well, I can become distracted and miss a step.  This can set me back quite a bit depending on what I am are doing. Checklists can […]

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Outsourcing Checklists!

I’d like to say it is coincidence or that I am a mind reader but, in truth, I did know the topic for this month’s IM Checlkists in advance.  It is …..  Outsourcing. Could you guess? As I was learning about Messenger Marketing last month, it was driven home to me that I need to […]

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IM Checklists Volume 8 – Messenger Marketing

Now that’s what I call timing!   Kevin has recently released his 8th in the IM Checklist series and this set is about Messenger Marketing and it ties in nicely with my two previous posts so I was thrilled to see this. I have been looking at messenger bots over the last week and while I […]

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IM Checklist Vol 7 – Newbie Marketers

Well this is timed well. A few weeks ago I finished my review of the IM Newbie Video training course and this set of checklists for Newbie Marketers is the perfect complement to that course. These checklists are designed for those new to internet marketing and provide you with a step by step list of steps […]

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IM Checklists Volume 6 – Canva

I’m late with this but here we go again – another in the series of IM Checklists. Get used to it ’cause there is a new one every month! This one is Volume 6 – Canva If you are not familiar with Canva, it is an online program that allows you to create graphics of […]

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