Product Reviews


Do You Have a Success Mindset?

Do you have confidence in your ideas? Do you have a burning desire to be the best you can be in all you do? Do you have the ability to stay focused on the task at hand and ignore distractions and obstacles? Do you hold yourself accountable for what you do and take responsibility? These […]

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Wohoo – YouTube Ads Checklists!

Yes! Kevin has just launched Vol 15 of the IM Marketing Checklists all about YouTube Advertising. It doesn’t matter what kind of online business you own…. Whether you are an affiliate marketer, product creator, service provider…. You must take advantage of YouTube Advertising! I know, I know –  it’s paid advertising and if you are […]

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Product Dyno Review

If you deliver digital content in any form, you really need a secure and easy to use delivery system.  I used to just create a folder on my site, add the content, add an robot.txt and index.html that supposedly limited the folder being crawled.  Not secure at all. Then in May 2017, I heard about […]

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Starting Over Part 3 – The Blog Theme

In the continuing Saga of Starting Over, I took a look at the blog, what content I had on there, how it looked, how fast it loaded etc etc. When I set it up a year or so ago, I farted around for a while looking for a theme that I liked, was fast, mobile […]

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IM Checklists for Starting an OFFLINE Business

This month’s offering from Kevin Fahey’s IM Checklists is a bit different in that it covers Starting an Offline Business. My initial reaction was “Offline Business?  These are called IM Checklists – so why choose this?”.   After thinking about it for a moment, I realized that most brick and mortar stores these days have an […]

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