Product Reviews

Secret Email System

Matt Bacak’s Secret Email System – I Bought This!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I bought the Secret Email System as you can see in the receipt below.  If you are reading this after October 4, 2020 you will not get it at this launch price but even at full price, it is well worth your investment. OK, so now I have […]

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Secret Email System

Review – Matt Bacak’s Secret Email System

I’m excited to tell you about this brand new product I’m about to get myself because I love Matt’s products.  In case you did not know, Matt Bacak is an email marketing expert who has made millions online. He is releasing a new product called “Secret Email System!” It’s all happening on September 28th 2020. […]

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WP Download Page Protector

WP Download Page Protector – Review

I have another product review for you today. WP Download Page Protector If you sell digital products and you use your WordPress site to deliver your products, chances are someone will steal your download page link and give it away for free to their friends.  Even worse, they may post the link on blackhat sites […]

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Daily Content Profits Image

How to Create a Content Marketing Plan that Pays You DAILY for Years without Doing a Lot of Work!

I know, I know.  The title is too long but it does say everything about the “Daily Content Profits System”. A Content Marketing Plan Many marketers write their blog posts, taking care to make them informative, useful and even beautiful. They then publish the post, maybe email their list and wait. And wait, and wait… […]

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Conversion Gorilla

Conversion Gorilla – What the Heck is it?

Supposedly, Conversion Gorilla works to boost conversions, subscribers and sales. Seasoned pros are singing its praises because they’re seeing firsthand just how well it works. All of this buzz got me curious so I purchased Conversion Gorilla a while ago to see if it would really live up to the hype. I hope to be […]

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