Product Reviews

Numbers don’t lie: AI is here to stay!

I have been cautious about using AI in my business efforts.  However, today I bought my first product that makes use of AI in a “proper” manner. By that, I mean that AI is used to help you create content, in this case sales pages, but is only one tool in the toolkit. According to […]

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How to Create Authentic Videos

With so many videos popping up everywhere, 2021 seems to be the year people are searching for authenticity.  They want to see a real person on screen.  They want presenter-style videos. If you have read my earlier posts about video, you will know that I use Vidnami to create my videos. I love the product. […]

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Matt Bacak Mesterfile

Matt Bacak’s “The Masterfile” – Bought it!

If you are sending emails, or are thinking about doing email marketing, then the file that Matt Bacak is offering is essential. If you have not heard of Matt Macak, he is one of the most successful email marketers out there.  Period. He is the “go to guy” for many other successful marketers who want […]

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simple video management system

Simple Video Management System

This is just a quick post thrown together to show you just a few of the awesome features of the Simple Video Management System. I had planned to install the plugin and so a proper review BUT… Despite keeping the php up to date on the main domain, this blog was using a really old […]

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Increase Sales with More Traffic

How to Increase Sales with More Traffic

If you are not interested in increasing traffic to your website or product then you can stop reading now. On the other hand, if you want more traffic using “free” or paid methods then keep on reading. Traffic is the lifeblood of every online business. To be successful, you must master traffic. Over this past […]

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