Lifestyle Business


Don’t Let Your Business Take Over Your Personal Life 

This might be hard to hear for some people but… when you become a business owner, one thing becomes clear fast. You’ll never get all the work done. Ever. Never ever. Let’s repeat that again for the people in the back. There is no possible way as a business owner that you’ll ever be done […]

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Leverage Your Existing Assets to Scale up Your Business

Once you have identified what works, what sells, what attracts new customers, you can start to consider scaling up your business.   How can you do this without expending that same amount of effort you did to get things to this point? One way to save time, effort, and money when building your business is to […]

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Focus Your Time and Efforts on What is Working

It may seem obvious but building a successful business means focusing your efforts on what is working and doing more of that. But, how do you know for sure what is working? Track and review.  Adjust, track some more and review.  It is an endless cycle BUT if you want to succeed you have to […]

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Have the Freedom and Peace of Mind You Seek 

Get Your Team in Place As a small business owner, you’re likely performing a lot of roles in your business. You may wear several hats – such as customer service representative, secretary, graphic designer, web designer, technical support, bookkeeper, and so forth. The problem is, this is not a good way to do business if […]

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growing money

The Pros and Cons of Creating Passive Income

Passive Income One way to make sure you can create a business where at least some of your income is “hands-off” is to work on creating more passive income sources. Passive income is kind of a misnomer because you do need to do work to generate revenue.  The difference is that it represents the idea […]

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