Lifestyle Business


When is It Time to Start Outsourcing?

Earlier Than You Think! Really, as soon as you can. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. Hire someone to help you with a few tasks that take you forever or that you can’t do (or at least not without spending a lot of time learning something new). If you can’t afford someone […]

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Different Ways to Establish Your Expertise 

Writing Vs. Speaking In the world of online business, you have to find effective ways to reach your audience while establishing expertise.  As you are learning, you may start getting anxious thinking that you’ll never have time to do it all and, by the way, you really hate public speaking. Then your confidence is shot […]

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Ask for Advice to Shortcut Your Path to a Successful Business 

In my family, we were always taught to be self-sufficient.  While that is a good thing in many ways, it sometimes makes us slow to ask for help.  If you are learning something new, it is OK to ask for advice. People love to say that there is no shortcut to business success. However, there […]

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which way

Don’t Let Others Dictate Your Path to Success 

This may seem like an obvious statement to many of you but keep reading as there are many different ways that others can dictate what you do.  Some of them may surprise you. The world is on information overload. You can turn the TV on or turn on your computer 24 hours a day and […]

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do what you love

Make Sure You’re Doing What You Want to Do

Evaluate What You’re Doing Regularly One of the best parts of building your own business is the fact that you get to change your mind when you want to. If you thought you’d love doing something, but it turns out you hate it, guess what? You can change your mind and do something else, hire […]

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