Lifestyle Business

LifeStyle business Challenge

Recap 30 Days of Building a Business That Serves You and Your Lifestyle 

Wow, here we are at the end of the 30 Days of Building a Business That Serves You and Your Lifestyle Challenge. I hope you have learned something new and useful doing the challenge. Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered over the past 29 […]

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time cost

Reevaluate Your Dreams and Goals Regularly

Tweak Your Business Set aside some time each quarter or, at the very least, each year to revisit your dreams and goals. Change them as needed and then look at what you’re doing in your business. Does everything align? Can you tweak or change some things to make this business able to better support what […]

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Your Business Should Grow and Change with You 

Did you know that every seven to ten years, you’re an entirely new person because your cells have totally regenerated and replaced their systems during that time? You can really see it when it comes to kids. Look at your child’s pictures from two years ago, or five years ago. It all happens so fast. […]

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exit strategy

Why You Need to Have an Exit Strategy

This is something I did not think about until a few years ago.  I loved my work and could not see retiring any time soon.  Then things changed and keeping working for years was not really an option anymore. I needed an exit strategy. It would have been better if I had planned for it […]

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business man

Creating a Business That Almost Runs Itself 

While no business will completely run itself, you can set your lifestyle business up in such a way as to minimize what you have to do to keep it running smoothly. Setting up a self-running business involves considering the aspects of your business that are most important to your customers. That means dealing with customer […]

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