Business Models

Do People Still Buy eBooks?

Someone told me the other day that they had heard that e-books were dead – no one was buying them any more.  Is this really true? There are millions of e-books for sale online. There are also digital courses and physical products for sale. The information found in many e-books is often available for free […]

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Passive Income – Is it a Real Thing?

Have you heard the phrase “Passive Income”? Is there really such a thing as passive income? The idea I have heard is that you set something up online that can earn you money and then you just let it alone to earn money all by itself. While I’m sure someone somewhere has put in all […]

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5 IM Business Models – Pros and Cons

Hey folks! When deciding to start an online business in internet marketing (IM) you have several business models from which to choose.  In this post, I outline some of the most common business models and list the main pros and cons of each model as I see them. I have learned from long and sad […]

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