The Case of the Disappearing Post Edit Menu

Sorry I have not been posting lately – I have been having WP issues.

I noticed about a month ago that my post edit area had become very narrow – about mobile phone width.  I had just updated WP so thought maybe this was a “feature” I had missed reading about and I was busy so I just kept on trucking.

A week or so later, I noticed that clicking on the Visual editor tab did nothing.


…but I was busy and could use the text editor (I usually do anyway) so I just kept on trucking.

Well, last week the entire edit menu disappeared – you know, the icons at the top of the edit area that let you bold, indent, add bullets, etc  – gone, missing, not there.

I could NOT ignore that as I could not post anything without writing it elsewhere.

I searched online, I asked around and found some similar issues but not quite the same.  There were a few “fixes” that were easy to do (and UNDO)  so I tried them but they did not work.

I tried various browsers, same problem.

I have quite a few plugins, probably too many 🙁 so I was loathe to deactivate them all and reactivate one at a time BUT really, that was the next step.

I choose carefully the ones to leave alone – ie the ones with lots of setting that I would lose and have to set up again – and deactivated all the other hoping that would do the trick.

EUREKA!  I have my edit back.

Now to find the culprit.

One by one I activated the plugins and eventually found the miscreant.  It seems that the update to the latest WP version did not sit well with this plugin or it could be that some other plugin that I added later does not play well with others.

I don’t know and I don’t really care but I will contact the plugin creator just to let him know of the issue I encountered.

So if your blog suddenly goes wonky, it is most likely a plugin and, even though it is a pain, deactivating them all or almost all, and bringing them back one at a time really is the only way to discover which of them is causing the issue.

Here’s hoping you have problem free blogging!


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