Did you know that one-in-five users require accommodations of some sort to use your site?
Well, now you do.
Think about it for a minute. It is estimated that currently in the US…
What is ADA?
ADA is a law that came into effect in 1990 but did not specifically address the internet at that time. It has been revised several times but still remained confusing and unclear. A major change in 2017 has created more confusion but has been an expensive problem for many website owners.
ADA was put in place as a way of helping disabled people to access the internet.
As part of ADA a website basically needs to be:
If your website does not fit within the rules laid out in ADA then you can be liable and sued.
NOTE: The companies being sued at the moment are large corporations but that does not mean that you cannot be sued.
Here are some names you may know: Target.com, Etrade.com, H&R Block, NetFlix.com, Hulu.com, Amazon.com, MIT and Harvard University, Domino’s Pizza, Weight Watchers,Patagonia, Ace Hardware,
A Solution
A WordPress plugin called, ADAComply was released on Sunday to help your WordPress site become ADA compliant.
If you were thinking of investing in the plug-in, I thought I would let you know that there is a FREE WordPress widget you can get at https://userway.org/get that has been around for a while now and works well. It has the advantage of working with WordPress and HTML sites.
Even if you are not worried about being sued, why not make your website easier to use for everyone.
It takes just a few minutes and a short bit of code added to your site to make you compliant.