About Me

Barb Hill

Welcome to Internet Marketing with Barb!

My name is Barb Hill and I am tired of piddling about making a bit of money here and there with internet marketing.  I am upping my game and moving from playing at internet marketing to using it as my source of a full-time income.

I have been online and investigating marketing on the internet since 2007.  I have tried mores systems and spent more money than I don’t care to think about – it is embarrassing really.  Things would work for a while and then stop working. Over and over.  I did not understand (or maybe did not want to know) that chasing the latest and greatest easy push button solution was never going to work.  Never.

I have had the goal of a full-time income for a while but have never put in the effort required to actually move in that direction.  Instead, I have gone from one new shiny object to the next, looking for something that will quickly bring in the money.  Good luck with that!

Well… I’ve decided to ‘put my money where my mouth is’ and get it out there.  This way I am accountable to my subscribers as well as to myself.

I have a full-time job right now and lots of other commitments so it’s not like I can spend all day on this.  I have 2 – 3 hours a day that I can put towards this so my progress will probably not be all that fast BUT my job comes to an end in December 2020 so I have to get moving – NOW!

So, first thing to do is to plan what I want the business to look like.

What business model(s) will I use?

What traffic methods?

What platforms?

etc, etc.

I will add post as I go along and email to let you know they are ready so you can follow along.

As I find tools or programs or marketers who are where I want to be that can help me (and you) I will let you know about them.

Will I try to sell you something?  Well… I am an internet marketer, therefore I market something to make sales so, yes , from time to time I will indeed let you know about something I am using that can help you and I will make a commission if you buy it through the link I provide.

So, why would you bother to sign up for my newsletter?

If you are interested in learning how to make an income online, one way to learn what to do and what NOT to do is to follow someone else who is doing the same thing.  Will I succeed?  I certainly plan to.

So, let’s get started!

Sign-up to the newsletter and I will let you know when new posts are up.

Thanks for reading and (hopefully) signing up!

Barb Hill

