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9 Simple On-Page SEO Tweaks – Is Your SEO Working?

You have been following all the SEO recommendations you can but do you know if it is working?  The easiest way to improve search results is right on your website using tweaks. In fact, you can go into any blog post you have right now and fix it to work better than it does now if you’ve never added any of these tweaks.

Remember, when you make a change, always check your stats before the change, then give it some time to work, then check again to compare the results.

Here are 9 simple tweaks you can apply today.

Conduct Regular Keyword Research

Take the time to research keywords regularly. You’ll want to keep building your keyword list as your audience helps you by searching for information on your site, asking questions, and engaging with you.

Optimize Titles, Headings, and Subheadings

Double check your content to ensure you have included titles that include keywords, headings that include keywords, subheadings that include keywords. Ensure that you use your ranking keyword in the first paragraph or 150 words in the content so that your audience and the search engine know that it’s the right info.

Optimize Your Images

Every image you add to a blog post, to your site, even if it’s a “buy button” should include optimization such as filling out the alt tag information, ensuring it’s the right size, the right file type, and everything you can do to make it load faster too.

Automate and Improve with Technology

Yoast SEO is one of the best plugins you can put in your site to help you improve your SEO. But other software like software such as can also help improve your SEO too.

Give Changes Time to Work

When you make a change on your website, it’s not going to be effective immediately. It may take 48 hours, but it can also take much longer, even a month before the search engine technology catches up. It depends on when they craw your site and a lot of other factors. The most important thing is that you give it time to collect data before you determine if something is working or not working.

Pay Attention to Meta Information

This information lets search engines and your audience know what the site is about and includes the page description, keywords, author information, modification info, and is very important for you to include in your website build. You can use Plugins to help like Yoast SEO, for example. (

Fix Broken Links

Keep a lookout for broken links on your site or even broken links that are supposed to link bank to your site. You can use the software, or you can keep your links in a spreadsheet that you periodically click to make sure they work.  Automation is always better, of course.  I use the Broken Links Checker plugin.

Link Internally to Your Website Pages

Add a plugin to your self-hosted WordPress site that automatically links to articles of interest and information of interest to the reader of the content on the current page. Try a plugin like Internal Link Juice to really knock this one out of the park. (

Use Software to Run an SEO Audit Regularly

Paid software like offers an amazing Audit tool ( that you can use to ensure that your SEO is not only set up the way it should be but that it’s working.

These easy to do will make a big difference in your search engine ranking, but it will also improve your website for your visitors too. SEO is not just for search engines, even though the term implies it. It’s also a good policy for pleasing your audience too.

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