video creation

7 Reasons Why You Must Use Video Marketing in Your Business

I’m sure most of you ‘know’ this already but have you taken it to heart and put to use in your business?

Video is powerful. It can make web surfers stop dead in their tracks, something that is infinitely harder to do with text-based content. If you have a video go viral it can be shared by literally millions of people.

That kind of free attention and traffic to your business is priceless. However, some marketers are still not embracing video.

In addition to the usual video ads, testimonials, interviews and webinars, you can use many different types of Marketing videos:

  • Explainer videos
  • Presentations
  • Video blogs
  • Tutorials
  • Live streams
  • Product videos

Here are 7 reasons why you should definitely be using video to market your business, for powerfully positive word-of-mouth advertising benefits.

1 – According to Forbes magazine, nearly 60% of executives would rather watch a video that consume the same information in text-based content.

2 – By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017.

3 – Statistics show that for every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect a return of somewhere between $25 and $40. So email marketing still works well. If you want your email marketing efforts to pay off big, add video. Global web services provider Implix says an introductory email which includes video boosts click through rates by an incredible 96%.

4 – Including a video on your can boost your conversion rate by up to 80%. (Unbounce)

5 – Orion21 tells us that video is viewed an amazing 1,200% more times than textual content and links. If you have a great blog post, summarize it in a video, add it to your blog post page, and enjoy 12 times more traffic, notoriety and attention.

6 – The Insivia company specializes in marketing, design and consulting on the web. They report that video viewers remember 95% of your message. Readers of text retain only 10% of your content.

7 – Video routinely attracts 200% to 300% more monthly visitors to a website or blog. It also doubles the amount of time people spend on your site once they get there. This results in a 157% increase in free, organic traffic from search engines, simply by including video.

No wonder that 83% of marketers would increase their reliance on video as a strategy if there were no obstacles like time, resources, and budget. (Buffer).

With that in mind, here are a few things I use to help with my :

Vidnami (formerly Content Samurai)

Social Media Marketing Checklists

Video Marketing Checklists

Youtube Advertising Checklists

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