Email Marketing Practices

7 Best Email Marketing Practices

When using to promote a product, brand, or service, you have the ability to reach people right in their inboxes.  The statistics clearly show that this is a highly effective way to promote a product and to potentially make a lot of money.  However, you know the saying – “With great power comes great responsibility”.  Follow these 7 to keep your subscribers loving your content.

In this post, we’ll look at some ‘best practices’ for so you can avoid making any awkward faux pas. Not only will this help you to avoid frustrating your audience but it will also help you to get more clicks and conversions by not annoying them.

Email Marketing Practices

Two a Week is Enough

You may choose to send a higher volume of emails to build anticipation for a product or promotion. The rest of the time though, try to avoid going beyond 2 a week. Otherwise, you’ll just frustrate your audience and they’ll quickly become sick of your messages.


All caps is annoying period.  It is difficult to read and gives the impression the writer is yelling at you.  In your inbox, it’s particularly abrasive and rude. Don’t do it!

Use Re: With Caution

Using ‘Re:’ in the subject header is a great way to draw attention to your e-mails. It could be somewhat manipulative though and essentially amounts to tricking your readers.  Only use Re: when it actually applies to the body of the email.

Make Unsubscribing Easy

If you use Aweber or GetResponse then unsubscribing should be easy. This is key as otherwise, you can do serious damage to your brand and reputation.

Deliver Value

Whether or not your e-mails are welcome in someone’s inbox or frustrating will ultimately probably depend on whether or not you provide value. As long as you offer value, people will have a good reason to read what you’re sending them and they’ll be glad for it. Consistently do this and don’t send lots of messages that are just self-promoting.

Respect Privacy

Yes, you can sell an e-mail list for a fair amount of money. However, unless you have explicitly gotten permission from your subscribers this is something you should not do. And don’t use that sneaky ‘Yes I do do not do want to let you share my address with partners’ trick.

Ultimately, you are a guest in your subscribers’ homes. Act that way and treat them with respect and gratitude.  Follow these 7 best .  It will ultimately be better for you and them in the long run.

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