
5 Reasons to Use Instagram in Your Business

I’ve been looking at lately as a source of traffic and I have learned some interesting things that I did not know.  I’m still learning but wanted to share some reasons why you should at least look into for your business.


Instagram is no longer just a way for people to share what they’re eating with friends. It has become a social media powerhouse, home to millionaire social media influencers, and a great place for businesses and brands to connect with their followers and increase sales.

Here are 5 reasons why you should be using it for your business.

1. It’s Free!

You typically have to spend some amount of money when it comes to tools and resources to improve and grow your business, but this is not the case with Instagram. This social media website is completely free to use, so you won’t have to spend a dime. You can download the app for free on your smartphone, and there are no limitations whatsoever. You also don’t need to spend any money to create a business profile.

2. It’s Easy to Use

One of the biggest reasons to consider Instagram for your business is that it’s incredibly easy for anyone to use. Even those who don’t have a lot of experience when it comes to social media websites will find that Instagram in particular has a very user-friendly interface that you will learn to use effectively in no time.  One thing to think about is that what you use on FB or other social media will not work well on Instagram.  It is a bit different but once you get the hang of it, it is easy yo use.

3. Millions of People use Instagram Every Day

Hundreds of millions of people all over the world use Instagram every day, so there is definitely the potential to reach a huge number of individuals in different areas across the globe. Hashtags make this even easier, by getting your posts in front of people searching for specific topics, but who may not be following you yet.

4. Gain Valuable Insight into your Followers

When you create a business profile on Instagram, you will be able to gain valuable insight into your followers just like on FB (not surprising as FB owns Instagram). This is specific information only available to owners of business accounts rather than personal.

You’ll find out more information about who your followers are and when they’re online.  This is so important and your posts can disappear quickly in the masses of posts.  Use this information to tweak what and when you post.  Remember to pay close attention to the kinds of comments you receive, too!

5. You get to be Creative

Having a business profile on Instagram will allow you to get creative with the photos and videos that you publish. You will be able to use the media you create to create brand recognition for your business, which is particularly important if you are just starting out. You must remember that it’s imperative to post unique, quality content if you want your business to be a hit on Instagram.

Food for thought at least.

I’ll be posting more about Instagram in the near future so stay tuned but if you don’t want to wait, sign up for our free 15 Day Instagram Challenge!


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