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4 Tips to Get People to Your Website from YouTube

As mentioned in a previous post, is a great way to get free targeted traffic to your website.  The trick is to get them to actually visit your site after (or during) watching your video


Here are four ways to get people to visit your site  while still providing great video content.

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Tip # 1

Put your website URL directly in the description of the video. Of course, not everyone reads the description of a video but if you make a good and they can tell that there is something written there, some of them will click and see your URL. From there, you need to be enticing and give them a reason to click on that URL. The description boxes there for exactly that; you can share information to your site that make a good.

Tip # 2

Did you know you can put the same information as above in the video annotations?  The annotations are clickable (if you meet ’s criteria) so you can put your URL there and people may follow the annotation to your website. Again, you need to give them a reason to click on it which means that you’ll have to put some text around it that will make it enticing.

Tip # 3

The third is to simply ask them to when we are making the video.  If you are the one speaking in the video, just ask them to visit your site, directly, right into the camera.  A personal invitation like this can be hard to resist and if you do it right you get a lot of people looking up your website.

Tips # 4

Finally,  use tclick belowhe on-screen graphics to direct people to your website. You don’t say anything at all if you don’t want to. Instead, simply put your website URL in the on-screen graphics, and again give them a reason to type that URL into a new tab. Remember, this may not be clickable  so you’re going to have to really sell them on the idea of visiting your website. If you can come up with a really great reason you’ll have traffic in no time.

There you have it – 4 quick tips!

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