
4 Simple Ways to get Youtube Traffic to Your Website

can be a great source of because almost everyone goes there to watch videos.  If you create videos, you definitely have a chance of being discovered.  Create something amazing or awesome you might have a chance of going viral.

However, you still need to get your viewers to your website from YouTube.  Here are four ways to do that and provide great video content people at the same time.

1. Add Your URL to the Description

This one is simple – put your website URL directly in the description of the video. Of course, not everyone reads the description of a video but if you make a good video and they can tell that there is something written there, some of them will click and see your URL.

Once they see your description, you need to be enticing and give them a reason to click on that link. The description boxes there for exactly that; you can share information about your site that gives people a reason to visit.

2. Add Your URL to Youtube Cards

You can have up to 5 cards per video and then can be used to promote whatever you want related to the video content.  You place them within your videos at the moment you want them to appear.

For example you can mention your website in the video and have the card with your website URL appear at the same time.

People may follow the link in the card to your website. Again, you need to give them a reason to click on it which means that you’ll have to put some text around it that will make it enticing.

3. Ask Viewers to Visit Your Website

Another very simple thing to do is just ask them to visit your site, directly, right into the camera.  A personal invitation like this can be hard to resist and if you do it right you get a lot of people looking up your website.

4. Add Your URL  to the End of Your Video

Add a graphic to your video that contains your website URL and/or your social media accounts.  They are not clickable but they can let people know that you have a website that you can visit.

click below

You can also use the End Screen feature of Youtube.  When you add an end screen, make sure it points to the thing that your viewer may want to do next, in this case, go to your associated website.

No matter which method (or methods) you choose to get to your website, give your viewers a reason to stop watching more videos and go to your website.


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