Powerful Content Marketing

4 Powerful Content Marketing Secrets

Well, I think this is it for a while on the topic of Powerful Secrets.  There are more in the works but they can wait a bit until I have used some of them for a while to see what results I get.

Create Roundup Posts   Roundup Post

This is a great way to get social media shares from other bloggers and marketers and even begin building relationships with them.

Each week, biweekly or monthly (you choose a time frame) you will create a collection of the best content related to your topic. To find this content, you’ll want to subscribe to relevant blogs, set up keyword trackers, or use a notification service like Feedly.

Choose the best posts and write a few sentences of introduction for each one, linking back to the original source. Notify your sources before you publish your post. Let them know you’re working on a roundup post and their article or post will be included.

Once you publish, let everyone in your roundup article know you are live.

For those who don’t promote your article via social media, it is okay to politely follow up in a few days just in case they missed your email. When they do promote your article, THANK THEM very nicely.

Do Influencer Roundups

Powerful Content Marketing Secrets Influencer roundup

Want to create something epic that really stands out and gets shared by a lot of people?

Then doing an influencer roundup on a hot topic could be exactly what you’re looking for.

Choose a question that will appeal to both your readers and your influencers. For example, in online marketing you could ask what one piece of advice your influencers most wish they had been given before they got started, and why.

Search for your influencers. Odds are you already have a list just from the blogs you subscribe to, but you can find more by using sites like Buzzsumo. Check SocialMention for more info on each one.

Next, get in touch with each influencer with a short message. Tell them you’re working on an expert

roundup and you want to include them, and give them the question.  If you don’t hear back from someone within a few days, you can make one more effort to contact them. If they don’t respond the second time, leave well enough alone.

Once you’ve written your post, send it to your experts for any feedback they might have. Some of them might want to amend or change their answers slightly, based on something else they thought of or answers others have given.

After you publish, let your influencers know your article is live so they can share it with their followers if they choose to. But don’t get pushy. If they share, that’s great. If not, you don’t want to ruin your budding friendships before they start.

Get Social Share from the Tools and Resources You Recommend

Powerful Content Marketing Secrets get others to share

Here’s a powerful secret that almost no one thinks to do…

When you write a “how to” post or article, do you recommend resources and tools?

If so, here’s a little trick:

Locate the email address for each of the resources. Then get in touch and let them know you’ll be recommending their tool/resource to your readers in an upcoming post. Ask them if they would like to know when it goes live.

Once your article is live, let them know and politely ask if they might like to share it with their subscribers. After all, your endorsement is validation that their product works, plus their readers might find a new way to use the product, too.

Share – A LOT

Powerful Content Marketing secrest share a lot

You’ve just finished a brand new blog post and you are proud as can be at the way it turned out. Time to tell the world, right?

Yes! Tell your followers on every social media avenue on which you’re active. But don’t make the same mistake most marketers make.

Most folks don’t want to ‘bug’ others. They’re afraid if they ‘over promote,’ then people will get mad, unsubscribe, stop following, etc.

Actually, the exact opposite is true. You’re going to have to share your content many times before some people ever see it. Think of Twitter – do you see all of your tweets the first time? Not likely, but let’s say you do. Do you click all the links the first time you see them? Of course not. You’re busy, you’re distracted, things get in the way…

Your followers and fans want to see your content, so make sure they can by sharing it multiple times.

Daily Content Profits shows you how to take massive action with a STEP BY STEP content distribution plan.

Create different versions of the posts and tweets you’ll make – maybe 5-8 variations. Change the titles, use different pictures, and even emojis to boost engagement.

Set up a sharing schedule in advance by using a service like Buffer.

Share right after the post is published, and again an hour later, 3 hours later, 7 hours later, the next day, the day after, the next week, the next week after, the next month and the next month after that.

Track how your posts perform and adjust your schedule accordingly. Also, try to share both during the morning, the afternoon and the evening for full coverage.

Try these one at a time and measure the difference it makes in your engagement.  Expand the ones that give you the biggest return on your investment.

Content Marketing Plan

PS.  Tired of creating content and constantly struggling to get traffic? Daily Content Profits shows you how to take massive action with a STEP BY STEP content distribution plan.  No more wondering what to do next.  We’re going to tell you exactly where to post your content, what size your graphics and images should be, how often to post and best of all you’ll be able to easily outsource this to a VA! Don’t let your content sit on your hard drive collecting dust.  It’s time to make daily sales with your content!

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