content marketing tips

4 Content Marketing Tips – I Bet You Don’t Use All Of These!

Here we are with the second set of … well not really secrets as you may have heard them before but they bear repeating in case you may have forgotten them.

Stand Out From the Crowdcontent marketing tips stand out

The fact is, more and more content is published every minute of every day. It’s not enough anymore to have great content – you need content that stands apart from the crowd. It’s got to deliver value in a unique way with a radical new perspective.

Some tips to help you:

  • Try different content formats. For example, try an infographic instead of an article, or perhaps make a video.
  • Put a lot of thought into your headlines and make them really pop. If you can trigger emotions, curiosity, or a burning need to know what’s in your article, you’ve got a good headline.
  • For the content itself, either present something no one else has presented, or present the content in a way no one else has. I know, it’s a tall order but it’s something to aspire to.
  • Tell stories. It’s hard to go wrong if you become a great story teller. In fact, people will revisit your blog just to read your new stories.
  • Give stuff away. It could be pdf’s, prizes or whatever. Try creating info packed posts, and then giving away pdf versions of those posts for people to refer to later.
  • Take a stand. Don’t be afraid to express your opinions and back them up with evidence, facts, stories, etc. Having strong opinions you’re not afraid to voice can be one of the quickest ways to get your content shared and build yourself a loyal audience.

Use Great Headlinescontent marketing tips headline

Don’t blow this one off.  According to CopyBlogger, 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 will check out your post. Yes, headlines are THAT important.

To get your copy read, write at least 5-10 headline variations that each incorporate at least two of the following: Curiosity, urgency, uniqueness, usefulness, specificity and news.

Choose the best 2-4 headlines and promote your content on social media using the different variations. After a few hours see which one gets the most engagement, and keep that headline.

Or, use one of the many headline checkers out there. Just search ‘headline checker” and give them a try.

As much as you might be tempted, don’t use clickbait headlines. When people see your post doesn’t line up with your headline, they’ll click away.

Keep Them Readingcontent marketing tips reading

Now, this may be one you have nor heard of before.  Keep your readers reading by using this old sales letter trick. Insert words and phrases that naturally pull the reader into the next sentence, and the next, and the next…


  • “Here’s what I’m talking about…”
  • “You might be wondering…”
  • “I know you think this is crazy…”
  • “Here’s why…”
  • “Meanwhile…”
  • “On the other hand…”
  • “But here’s the really strange thing…”
  • “Want to know the best part?”
  • “And yet…”
  • “But that’s just part of the story…”
  • “As it turns out…”
  • “No wonder…”
  • “Sadly…”
  • “What does this mean for you?”
  • “I couldn’t believe what happened next…”
  • “Best of all…”
  • “By the way…”

I’m sure you can think of more leading phrases you can use.

Focus on Making Content that can Go Viral

Companies have spent fortunes trying to make viral content. Sometimes they succeed, and many times they don’t.

So how can you, a solo entrepreneur, increase your odds that your content will go viral?

According to Jonah Berger, author of Contagious, there are six principles to making viral content:

  • Social Currency – People want to feel smart and cool, like they’re on the ‘inside.’ We share things that make us look good.
  • Triggers – Which gets more word of mouth – Corn Flakes or Disney? Be Disney, and remember that top of mind is also tip of tongue.
  • Emotion – The higher the emotion, the more it gets shared. Remember, when we care, we share.
  • Public – There are always people who will jump on board the latest trend. Think if it as, ‘Built to show, built to grow.’
  • Practical value – the more valuable and useful content is, the more it tends to get shared. Think of it as, ‘News you can use.’
  • Stories – Stories are like Trojan horses, coming in under the radar in the guise of entertainment, when really they are delivering a message

You don’t have to hit all six principles, but the more you do hit, the more likely your content will go viral.

In our next post on this subject, we will have more tips on how to get others to share your content and optimizing Facebook posts.

PS.  Daily Content Profits shows you how to take massive action with a STEP BY STEP content distribution plan. No more wondering what to do next.

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