get more targeted traffic

3 Ways To Get More Traffic Targeted Into Your Funnel 

For years we have heard the words, “The money is in the list.”  Even after all these years, it’s still true despite all the “Email Marketing is Dead” foolishness.  Most marketers still find it the most effective and cost-efficient way to reach people.  With this in mind,  here are 3 ways to into your funnel.

Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know

First, let’s explore some proof that email marketing is profitable. You may not even realize the potential you have to build an amazing and bankable business using email marketing and list building.

Over 4 billion people actively use email every single day. Almost 300 billion emails are sent and received every day. Marketers report an average return of 42 dollars per every buck they spend on email marketing, and in fact, over 80 percent of all small businesses rely on email as the primary way they communicate with their customers. With this knowledge, you can see why email marketing is essential.

How to Get More Traffic

To build your list and bring more people into your marketing funnel, you can try these three tactics.

1. Develop More Offersget more targeted traffic more offers

The more products you offer, the more offers you can make to your email list, which will boost the value of each subscriber. Plus, offers work both ways. You can send an offer to people already on your list, but you’ll also add people who take your offers to your email list. Developing a variety of products and creating landing pages and sales pages for them is imperative to your marketing success.

2. Establish More Entry Points

An entry point to your funnel consists of offers, but it also consists of other methods such as providing in-content downloads, gated content, and information, as well as setting up the desire to join your email list. You can host contests, run live webinars, give away smaller and more freebies (lead magnets), just to name a few. The more opportunities you set up to bring people into your funnel and email list, the more people who will join.

3. Create Social Proofattract new customers with social media

Use your social media accounts to bring to your funnel by incorporating links to a that offers information and a download or otherwise incentivize them to join your list by giving away free products, free trials, and using testimonials, case studies, and more to prove your worth and value.

Think of an entry point as a doorway to your email list and your product funnel.  Where the person joins from is an important component in how you’ll communicate with them in the future. Use the technology you have access to, such as tagging, segmenting, and more to differentiate and personalize the interactions you have with your list members. When you do that, you’ll get a lot more positive responses to your marketing efforts.

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