12 Ideas For Your List Building Freebie

You probably know that giving away something of value can help you build your list quickly. Sometimes though, you have a problem coming up with an idea.

Use any of the following 12 proven ideas in case you are stuck. Remember, make it valuable!

1 – Make a simple PDF. OpenOffice, Word and most other popular spreadsheet software programs have a “save as PDF” option. This makes turning any text-based resource into an opt-in bribe quickly and easily.

2 – Use Jing, Screenr or Screencast-O-Matic to record video screen-shots. Videos enjoy a much higher perceived value than text-based opt-in gifts.

3 – Record an MP3 file. The growth of podcasts means more and more people are listening to content rather than reading or viewing it.

4 – Create a buyer’s guide, walking someone through every step of a particular buying or shopping process.

5 – Why not give out a valuable coupon which substantially discounts the price of one of your products?

6 – Create a short 5 or 7 day problem-solving course to be delivered by email.

7 – Free previews work great as list builders, and presell your e-book or product. Give away a free chapter or module of your e-book or how-to course and you entice your new list member to purchase the entire product.

8 – Purchase PLR products. Text-based, video and audio content and products with public label rights (PLR) can be purchased inexpensively on PLR websites.

This removes the product creation process, as the content is created for you. Just make sure you change it up to make it your own.

9 – Build a mobile app or piece of software that solves a big problem in your marketplace.

10 – Perform a video review of a product or service. Show yourself actually benefiting from or using the product. Include your affiliate link, and your new list member might just become your newest customer as well.

11 – Interview an expert or guru in your field. Expert interviews make excellent opt-in bribes.

12 – Access to a webinar or teleseminar usually leads to high conversions as far as email sign-ups are concerned. Aside from building your list, webinars are also excellent for selling products and services.

There are more possibilities out there but these 12 ideas are known to work well, depending on you niche.

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