Do You Have What it Takes to Succeed Online – Leadership?

In part 4 of this series, we dig deeper into the leadership quality you need to truly be successful.

Being a leader in your niche is something every online marketer should strive for. You should never be okay resting on your laurels and putting just enough effort into the process to get by.

Consumers are looking for cutting edge, current marketers to lead them – regardless of what their issue is.

They want someone who is always learning and sharing and coming up with innovative ideas that maybe they haven’t heard yet.

You can lead under a pen name or business persona if you don’t want to you your own name. In either case, you need to be committed to leading your audience. That means showing up to serve regularly.

Don’t start a site and then disappear for months on end and expect to resume your communication with those people whenever you feel like coming back. They will not remember who you are or, if they do, they will not bother listening to you.

There are many competitors who will be there for them on an on-going basis, so if you’re the type of person who might be flighty – then your leadership skills may need some tweaking.

Leaders are always devouring new information, including paying attention to what’s in the news about their niche. And they come to their audience with those facts – whether or not they agree with them.

As a leader, you have to be willing to step up and give your opinion on what they should and shouldn’t do. Be willing to say, “I don’t agree with this, and here’s why…” because most marketers won’t do that – they’re too scared to speak out. This is something that I need to work on. It is difficult for me but I am getting better at it.

Keep in mind that as a leader, people will come to you asking about things you may not know. Don’t hide. It is OK to not know the answer. What a good leader does is get out there and ask questions and dig around until you expand your knowledge and can address whatever issue it is that you were previously uninformed about.

Leadership is a role that most of us will have to grow into as we move forward in our businesses.


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Do You Have What It Takes to Succeed Online – Commitment?

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Do You Have What it Takes to Succeed Online – Desire to Help?

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