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IM Newbie Video Course Review

I’m back again with a review of Kevin Fahey’s IM for those starting out in Internet Marketing or those not yet making $1000/month online.

As you may have gathered from previous posts regarding Kevin’s IM Checklists, I am an admirer of Kevin’s products.  I buy each of the checklists before I review them and I have done the same with some of his training.

I thought I’d start at the very beginning….


Kevin has created this video course of 35 lessons in 6 modules that cover the basics of what you need to know and do to help you get started with online marketing.

IM Newbie Video course

I went through the course myself from start to finish to see if it delivered.  You can see the modules listed in the image below.

Within each of the lessons in each module there is the ability for you to take notes.  Click the “Take Notes’ button in the top right and your notes are associated with the lesson and module you are on and you can download then to your computer if you wish.

Also, at the bottom of each page there is the IM VIP Community where you can ask questions and add comments.

For many videos there is a transcript available which is really helpful.

Module 1: Hosting & Website Setup

This module starts off at the beginning, assumes that you know nothing and shows you how to get your basic hosting setup.  I have to say that Lesson 3 on email setup and forwarding had some tips in it that I am implementing to make my life easier.

Make sure you check the right-hand column for notes and useful links.

Module 2: WordPress Setup

Installing WordPress is really becoming easier all the time.  These videos guide you through the process of getting your site started and the essential settings you need to change and plugins you should install.

Module 3: List Building

For those of you just starting out, you MUST create a list of subscribers.  Without a list, you are wasting your time.  Now it must be a list of people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Also, split testing is essential to know if what you are doing is working and if you can do it better.  In the Free Split Test Method, Kevin gives you two plugins and the method to use them.

In the lesson Creating Your First Welcome Email, you get a template to use so that you can always make a good impression when people sign up to your list.

Module 4: Social Media

Social Media has never been my strong suit but Kevin shows you how to set up your accounts in the various social media platforms to best represent your brand.

I found his lesson on Integrating Social Media very useful.

Module 5: Generating Traffic

While I would have put lesson 5.4 first, the information in these lessons is excellent.  As I went through “Monitize Your Blog” I was quite surprised at a simple method I had not even considered before but will be implementing from now on.

Module 6: Conclusion & Bonus

The only “Lesson” in here is the conclusion or round-up video.  The other items are bonuses that actually are useful.   The training webinar is over an hour in length and covers and list building.

The Business in a Box bonus is actually 6 products that you get resell rights to so that if you are in the IM niche, this can give you a quick start.

If you are not in the IM niche, you can learn something from each of these products to help you in you marketing efforts.


The IM Newbie Video Training course does what it says on the package and it is well worth the small price.

The only caveat is that Kevin does use OptimizePress (a paid WP theme and plugin) to build the site and the squeeze page in WordPress but it is not necessary if you cannot afford it.

If you know HTML, you can do it yourself. You will need a WP theme that allows you to start with a blank page.

If HTML is not your thing, there are other options.

Within WordPress you can find themes that allow you to create landing pages. Just search for “” in the Add New Theme. Make sure when you add the PAGE for your , you select the Blank or Landing Page template.

JustFreeThemes is a source of free themes and the ones on this page let you easily create landing pages.


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